Unit 22 Consulting reference resources to help in lesson preparation
What are reference resources?
- They are all the information about language and about teaching that we can refer to for help in lesson preparation.
- Reference material (dictionaries, grammar books, methodology books and articles, teacher's books, websites)
- People
Reasons for using reference resources:
- Checking the form and use of grammatical structures (Grammar books)
- Checking the spelling, pronunciation and use of Lexical items (Dictionaries)
- Developing your own understanding of Language (Language Awareness Books)
- Anticipating learners' difficulties (Common errors)
- Looking for new approaches to teaching lessons and new classroom activities.
- Finding out how to use the material in your course book (Teacher's books or Resources book)
- Getting advice about particular lessons or teaching materials (Colleague's Approach)
Reference resources:
- Posters
- Flashcards
- Computer programs
- Games
- Songs and Chants
- Tongue Twisters
Unit 23 Selection and use of course book materials
Course book materials are all the material in a course book package that we use in the classroom to present and practice language, and to develop learners' language skills:
- Student's book
- Teacher's book
- Audio
- Video
- Workbook
Which course book to use?
- Is the material visually attractive?
- Is it well organized?
- Is it culturally appropriate?
- Is it suitable for learner's age, needs and interests?
- Will the topics be motivating?
- Is it at the right level?
- Does it provide a clear enough context or explanations for learners to understand new language?
- Does it give learners enough opportunities to use the language?
When the course book is not appropriate:
- Replace the course book
- Adapt the course book
Important concepts:
- The course book will normally provide the main content for a lesson, while material that needs to be more personalized for learners will probably come from the teacher (or from the learners themselves)
Course book provide:
- Situation/context
- Pictures
- Dialogues and texts
- Tasks and exercises
Teachers can provide additional:
- Warmers
- Instructions
- Role-plays
- Homework tasks
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