Unit 22 Consulting reference resources to help in lesson preparation
What are reference resources?
They are all the information about language and about teaching that we can refer to for help in lesson preparation.
Reference material (dictionaries, grammar books, methodology books and articles, teacher's books, websites)
Reasons for using reference resources:
Checking the form and use of grammatical structures (Grammar books)
Checking the spelling, pronunciation and use of Lexical items (Dictionaries)
Developing your own understanding of Language (Language Awareness Books)
Anticipating learners' difficulties (Common errors)
Looking for new approaches to teaching lessons and new classroom activities.
Finding out how to use the material in your course book (Teacher's books or Resources book)
Getting advice about particular lessons or teaching materials (Colleague's Approach)
Reference resources:
Course book materials are all the material in a course book package that we use in the classroom to present and practice language, and to develop learners' language skills:
Student's book
Teacher's book
Which course book to use?
Is the material visually attractive?
Is it well organized?
Is it culturally appropriate?
Is it suitable for learner's age, needs and interests?
Will the topics be motivating?
Is it at the right level?
Does it provide a clear enough context or explanations for learners to understand new language?
Does it give learners enough opportunities to use the language?
When the course book is not appropriate:
Replace the course book
Adapt the course book
Important concepts:
Course book provide:
Dialogues and texts
Tasks and exercises
Teachers can provide additional:
Homework tasks